For over 30 years, bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载 (AEI) has been providing academic excellence in English as a Second Language Training (ESL). As the oldest, accredited ESL School in Atlanta, our institute has stood the test of time.
We understand that Language is Power以及学习英语对我们的学生有多重要. 我们知道流利的美式英语能给生活和事业带来好处. We also know the struggles and difficulties that many people go through when learning or mastering any language. We’ve set ourselves apart by creating an optimal environment for learning English from some of the best ESL trained, 母语教师. We offer a full range of ESL classes, tutoring, and complete Test Preparation programs.
通过注册我们的AEI校园, 学生可以在英语的故乡体验英语, 在小班授课中获得母语教师的个人关注, 并在学业上专心培养自己, 舒适的环境.
Starting in 2021, AEI began offering Online ESL Classes for those students that may not be able to leave their home country to come to the United States or choose to learn from home as their best option.
bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载(AEI)是bet9官网app下载最古老的ESL学校, 向所有国籍开放, bet9官网app下载教学, Test Preparation , 并为非母语人士提供从初学者到大师水平的辅导. AEI由Julie Ressler于1993年创立. Mrs. Ressler was an English Language instructor in her native country of South Korea when opportunity brought her to the United States and she continued her work here in Atlanta, GA. Her vision was to help others learn English in a way that was both productive and compassionate. Understanding the fears and frustrations associated with being a non-native speaker herself, she knew exactly what was necessary to build a school that served student needs while empowering their lives and careers with the English language.
Since 2013, bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载 has been accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation. AEI is accredited for the period December 2018 through December 2028 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA是由美国认可的.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. 获取有关此认证的进一步信息, please contact CEA, 北费尔法克斯街1001号, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400,
The internet-based TOEFL test (iBT) helps institutions of higher learning make decisions about the readiness of international learners to effectively communicate in an English speaking academic environment. 技能综合测试是用来衡量学生成功的准备情况. 因此,他们不仅需要理解英语,还需要有效地沟通. Reading, listening, writing, and speaking are key skill areas tested using the integrated approach.
希望通过考试的学生可以报名参加我们的课程. 他们的目的是增加成功的结果在网考托福. 我们努力确保我们的学生达到学术准备.
All international students and exchange visitors must possess a SEVIS I-20 issued by an approved school. SEVIS(学生访客信息系统)是一个自动收集的过程, maintain, and manage information about international students and exchange visitors during their stay in the United States. SEVIS系统由美国政府运营.S Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) under the federal Department of Homeland Security. AEI的SEVIS学校代码是ATL 214f01554000. 获取更多信息,包括列表
bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载提供22门英语课程,000平方英尺的校园,包括教室, student lounge, library, event room, computer labs, 招生及行政办公室, breakroom, and more. We are located in the heart of the metro Atlanta area within easy reach of the highway and public transportation.
AEI是授权的剑桥评估入学考试中心. 牛津大学的几次入学考试, 剑桥大学, 还有许多人需要在授权的中心拍摄. 有关需要授权中心的完整测试列表,请访问
AEI has partnered with Cambridge Assessment English to provide external assessments and resources to help students succeed in their language-learning journey. The highly regarded Cambridge Assessment English is an internationally recognized organization that helps people around the world learn and improve their English skills. One of the many resources Cambridge Assessment English offers is the Linguaskill assessment. Linguaskill是一个在线英语水平考试,测试个人的阅读能力, listening, speaking, and writing abilities. Anyone can take a Linguaskill assessment at AEI and receive an official Linguaskill Certificate. For more information:
TESOL, 英语教育者协会, is a national, 成立于1966年的独立专业组织. The organization was created to bring together teachers and administrators at all educational levels with an interest in teaching English to speakers of other languages (ESOL). TESOL提供了一个协调的, 在国际上有见识的反应, national, and local levels to issues affecting institutions that foster the development of effective human communications. TESOL’s mission is to ensure excellence in English language teaching to speakers of other languages. 欲知更多资料:
SETESOL is an affiliation of seven southern state TESOL organizations and sponsors an annual SETESOL conference. AEI定期参加并在SETESOL年度会议上发表演讲.
EnglishUSA is the largest professional association of Intensive English Programs in the United States with over 350 accredited member programs. It offers a wealth of resources for students who are interested in studying English in the United States, as well as IEP professionals looking for the most-up-to-date information about the field. All EnglishUSA member programs meet the highest standards for quality education and professional integrity. 欲知更多资料:
美国教育是一个由170个国家的数百个咨询中心组成的网络, 每年数以百万计的国际学生在哪里找到准确的答案, comprehensive, 以及如何申请经认证的美国大学的最新信息.S. 大专院校. “美国教育”网络是由美国教育部资助的.S. 国务院教育和文化事务局(ECA), which strives to foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. 欲知详情,请浏览:
bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载提供22门英语课程,000平方英尺的校园,包括教室, student lounge, library, event room, computer labs, 招生及行政办公室, breakroom, and more. We are located in the heart of the metro Atlanta area within easy reach of the highway and public transportation.
The bet9官网app下载bet9九州app下载 (AEI) provides intensive English instruction, Test Preparation ,
并为非母语人士提供从初学者到寻求精通的私人辅导. The
school aims to build solid academic foundations and foster communication, as well as the
获得个人、专业和学术成功所需的技能和知识. 对于所有的项目和课程,无论是校内的还是在线的,AEI都是这样做的